- Denis Waitley, American motivational speaker and author
This past week has been a tough one. I've been moving my office and trying to work at the same time--never a good idea. Last weekend, sewage was spewing out of my basement toilet--seriously not good. Most of the week was spent monitoring the disaster cleanup people, making phone calls to my insurance company, and generally wondering how I was going to pay for everything. And just to make the week extra special, I had to put one of my cats to sleep. Zeke was a very old kitty (18!) whose health had been failing for a long time, but I loved him dearly and will miss him a lot.
Zeke |
There were no workouts last week. I'm easily overwhelmed by stuff like this and my body decided to cope by just wanting to sleep, so I let it. I finally got my ass to the gym on Saturday morning, where a sweaty Hellcamp Circuit helped me work out some of the stress and sadness.
I'm now way behind in my goal to lift a million pounds by the end of the year, but I've decided not to stress (too much). I think that as I get stronger, I will lift heavier and make up some of the deficit. I also need to add another GS workout to ensure that I'm really ready for the two competitions I have scheduled in May (easier said than done because I'm no spring chicken and I need my rest days). Sigh.
It's Monday and I'm trying to see the coming week as a fresh slate. My office is shaping up and I have almost everything I need to do my job, the basement is clean and minty fresh (courtesy of aerosolized disinfecting enzymes that the disaster cleanup people put into the air), the sewer has been cleaned out and is working again (but still needs to be repaired--$$$), the insurance estimator is coming tomorrow to evaluate the situation, and Zeke is hopefully in a better place (do cats get angel wings?). This week has to be better, right?
"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did."
- Newt Gingrich, American politician
**Disclaimer: I'm not a Newt Gingrich fan--he's much too conservative and right wing--I just like the quote. In his favour, he supposedly likes animals and is a dinosaur enthusiast. No one is all bad.